Top Debt Relief Expert Reveals How To Resolve Financial Burdens Faster Without Declaring Bankruptcy

This simple 2-minute video reveals just one of the strategies we use to immediately provide much-needed breathing room for you each month so you can avoid filing bankruptcy. 
Imagine what all 5 of them could do for you?

Top Debt Relief Expert Reveals How To Resolve Financial Burdens Faster Without Declaring Bankruptcy

This simple 2-minute video reveals just one of the strategies we use to immediately provide much-needed breathing room for you each month so you can avoid filing bankruptcy. 
Imagine what all 5 of them could do for you?

What Is A Good FICO Score?
One of the most well-known types of credit score are FICO Scores, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO Scores are used by many lenders, and often range from 300 to 850. Generally, a FICO Score above 670 is considered a good credit score on these models, and a score above 800 is usually perceived to be exceptional.
FICO’s 5 Credit Score Factors
  • Payment history (35%)
  • ​Amounts Owed (30%)
  • Length of credit history (15%)
  • New credit (10%)
  • ​Credit mix (10%)
What Is A Good FICO Score?
One of the most well-known types of credit score are FICO Scores, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO Scores are used by many lenders, and often range from 300 to 850. Generally, a FICO Score above 670 is considered a good credit score on these models, and a score above 800 is usually perceived to be exceptional.
FICO’s 5 Credit Score Factors
  • Payment history (35%)
  • ​Amounts Owed (30%)
  • Length of credit history (15%)
  • New credit (10%)
  • ​Credit mix (10%)
The Cost Of Bad Credit
Based on a $250,000 loan for 30 years
Why does having great credit matter?
Society is becoming increasingly dependent on using credit to make purchases and decisions.  These days, good credit is used for more than just getting a credit card or a loan. 

More and more businesses are making the case that you must have good credit before they extend products or services to you.
How does it affect me?
  • It Affects Where You Live and How Much You Pay
  • ​It Affects What You Drive and Your Car Payment
  • ​It Can Affect Your Job Search
  • ​It Affects Your Ability to Start a Business
  • ​It Affects Other Monthly Bills
Why does having great credit matter?
Society is becoming increasingly dependent on using credit to make purchases and decisions.  These days, good credit is used for more than just getting a credit card or a loan. 

More and more businesses are making the case that you must have good credit before they extend products or services to you.
How does it affect me?
  • It Affects Where You Live and How Much You Pay
  • ​It Affects What You Drive and Your Car Payment
  • ​It Can Affect Your Job Search
  • ​It Affects Your Ability to Start a Business
  • ​It Affects Other Monthly Bills
How This Works
First, we analyze your credit reports and work with you to identify any questionable negative items hurting your score. We’ll build a custom game plan based on your unique situation.
Next, we challenge the identified negatives with the bureaus and your creditors. If they can’t prove that the items are accurate, fair and substantiated, they are required by law to remove them.
When a negative item is removed from your credit, we briefly celebrate (sometimes with cake). Then, we get back to work, tack- ling the other questionable items still on your reports.

 Charge-Off Removals

 Collection Removals

 Inquiry Removals

 Public Records Removals

 Charge-Off Removals

 Collection Removals

 Inquiry Removals

 Public Records Removals

Our Credit Repair Services
Our Credit Repair Services

Your Past

We work with the credit bureaus and your creditors to challenge the unfair or inaccurate negative report items that affect your credit score. We’ll ensure your credit history is up-to-date, accurate, and reflects you honestly. This can all help to fix your credit.

Your Present

24/7 Credit Monitoring & Alerts powered by TransUnion keep you aware of the changes and updates on your report, and provide customized information and advice about how those reported items affect your score.

Your Future

Our customized tools, educational approach, and proven technology guide you through the tasks and action items you need to take in order to maintain a healthy score and work toward the restoration of your credit.
The Options




 Billed Annually

Remove all inquiries that are not associated with open active accounts




 Billed Monthly

We'll Dispute Negative Reporting items that are on your credit reports. 

Our Mission
These are uncertain times for everyone. We have a message of hope for you, your family and your neighbors. We're committed to guide and support you. We believe there's no place for passing judgment, only lifting each other up as we work together to remove the burden of financial difficulties. Together we are stronger.
We Keep You
Debt Free
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